The following tools are included with the Processing software. Select the tool you want to use from the Tools menu of the Processing Environment. These tools are open source; the code is distributed with Processing.
Color Selector
Simple interface for selecting colors as RGB, HSB, and Hex values.
Create Font
Converts fonts into the Processing font format and adds to the current sketch. Opens a dialog box which give options for setting the font, its size, if it is anti-aliased, and if all characters should be generated.
Movie Maker
Creates a QuickTime movie from a sequence of images. Options include setting the size, frame rate, and compression, as well as an audio file.
Archive Sketch
Archives a copy of the current sketch in .zip format. The archive is placed in the same directory as the sketch.
Contributed tools must be downloaded individually. Select 'Add Tool...' from the Tools menu to select a Tool to download. Contributed tools are developed, documented, and maintained by members of the Processing community. For feedback and support, please post to the Forum. For development discussions post to the Libraries and Tool Development topic. Instructions for creating your own tool are on the Processing GitHub site.
Enables the creation of self-signed Java Applets
A drawing tool to aid developers
Shows that you are using Processing in your Discord status.
Extended code completion for statements like if, while and for etc.
A visual editor for Processing's font coloring settings.
Graphic design tool for creating user interfaces with G4P.
A Tool that provides a quick introduction to the PDE for new/beginner users.
A GUI Git Client for Processing
Generate JavaDoc for sketch.
A utility that creates a self-extracting jar that runs on any platform.
A porting tool, thats helps you to port an applicating from Processing/Java to p5.js/Javascript
A Tool that provides a built in reference for the Processing Development Environment.
Paint on a canvas; generate processing code. Easy peasy!
Adding features for faster code editing to the PDE.
Uploads and runs a sketch on a Raspberry Pi.